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Our Ministry Team

Please find below an introduction to our clergy and staff.
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Canon Stephen Peake
Rector, St. Bride's
  Rev. Mackenzie Wolf
Curate, St. Bride’s

Stephen has been ordained for 33 years, and has spent 17 of those years at St Bride’s.  He is Dad to two grown sons: Daniel and Tom.  During their teenage years, Stephen could be found travelling to baseball diamonds across Eastern Canada and through the United States, as both boys played competitively.  Stephen grew up in British Columbia, and graduated from the University of Victoria with a History degree, and then studied theology in England for a year and graduated from Wycliffe College (Toronto).

Stephen has served in parishes in Toronto, northern B.C. and Halifax.  He spent many of his summers at church camps while at university.  Stephen has a variety of interests including cycling (especially mountain biking), travel, flight simulation (ask me!), sports (especially baseball and football), reading, music and computers.  He enjoys serving God in this church, and welcomes you to stop by the church and say “hello” anytime!

Favourite Bible Verse:
1 John 4:7-8

Favourite Hymns:
Traditional: And Can It Be
Contemporary: In Christ Alone

(Last updated: November 2022)
  Mackenzie recently finished her Master of Divinity at Wycliffe College and was ordained a Deacon on May 5th 2024. She was previously serving at St Clement’s Church Toronto as Pastoral Associate for Youth & Children for the last three years. Prior to moving to the GTA for seminary, Mackenzie served as hospital chaplain at the North Bay Regional Hospital. She and her husband, Alex, live in Oakville with their infant daughter Magnolia!  

(Last updated: August 2024)
praveen   tric
Praveen Bhatt
Lay Minister, St. Bride's
  Tric Glover
Parish Administrator, St. Bride’s
A masters in theological studies graduate from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Praveen is passionate about making a positive change and building a strong and vibrant community for Christ. He finds his multifaceted education, multi-potentiality, and varied life experience to be an asset in finding creative and adaptive solutions to problems. For over a decade, Praveen worked as a school educator in and around the National Capital Region of New Delhi in India.

Following a life-transforming encounter with God’s presence in 2008, Praveen became a seeker of truth. His study and search led him through significant faith formation experiences that form the basis of his call to Christian ministry. Ever since his conversion experience, he has been an actively involved as a volunteer in small-group discipleship and worship ministries.

In Canada, Praveen has served in youth and worship ministries since 2019. Furthermore, he led a significant 2-year community project funded by the provincial government of Ontario on raising awareness on hate and discrimination in all its forms.

Praveen joins the St Bride's family to lead youth, children, and family ministries. Additionally, Praveen will be coordinating contemporary worship music. He lives in Mississauga with his wife Donna and their children Hannah and Nathan.

Favourite sport: (no prizes for guessing) Cricket (Fun fact: Praveen bats left-handed but bowls right-handed. He used to be quite good at bowling a “googly”.)

Wonders of the world:
Praveen has travelled to two of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China. The remaining five are on his bucket list.

Favourite quote (coined by Praveen):
“The most important spiritual discipline is to believe right.”

Favourite Bible Verse:
Romans 1:16 (This verse contains the key to living a victorious life… feel free to ask him how!)

Favourite Hymns:
Traditional: Great is Thy Faithfulness
Contemporary: What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship
(Last updated: August 2024)

  Tric is short for Patricia and pronounced Trish. In corporate life, I have managed projects implementing hardware and software for retail cash systems for over thirty-five years working for both retailers and vendors. I come to church work honestly, being a long time member of St. Francis of Assisi Anglican Church in Meadowvale. In forty years of lay ministry there, I have and continue to wear many hats so am very familiar with life in “church land.” In 2019 I was made a member of the Order of the Diocese of Toronto.

Personally, I am a proud mom of two amazing daughters, Tara and Brianna and excited Nana to a two-year-old grandson, Leo. My husband, Frank and I are still honeymooning after tying the knot in 2015. We belong to a motorcycle riding club, so fair weather often finds me on the back of a Harley. I love exploring new places whether in my own province, country or around the world. I enjoy live theatre, fairs and festivals and family events and have lots of places on my bucket list. My prayers are that God will continue to equip me to serve Him and the parish family at St. Bride’s. Thanks to all for their direction and support

Favourite Bible Verse:
Proverbs 3:5

Favourite Hymns:
The Servant Song,
Sing a New Song Unto the Lord

(Last updated: November 2022)

Our Wardens

neal   tracey
Neal Samuel
Rector's Warden
Coordinator, Contemporary Music
  Tracey Lowe
People's Warden
Neal married into St Brides in 2006 - where his wife and her family had been members for numerous years. Baptized in the Anglican Church and part of the Church as long as I can remember. My pivotal moment in my faith was, in my teens when one day I remember calling in sick (lazy) for my scheduled server duty at St Giles Anglican Church in Scarborough. A few minutes later, something compelled me to get up and go to church. While sitting in the alter during the service I felt a spiritual calling that I had never felt before and at that moment I knew this feeling wasn’t something ordinary. Ever since then, serving God through the church as a server, reader, volunteer, church member and now blessed to be selected as a Deputy Warden at St Bride’s Clarkson. Father of 3 great boys, married to a woman who’s the fuel to my drive. Also a son, brother, uncle and friend to many. I have been employed in the aviation industry for the past 26 plus years in a senior leadership role - about which I’m extremely passionate

Favourite Hymn: Lord of the Dance
Favourite Bible Verse: Romans 8:31

(Last updated: September 2023)
  I am blessed and humbled to be able to serve as a warden at St. Bride’s as St. Bride’s has been a part of my family since 1960. I was baptised here as were three of my five siblings. My son was also baptised here 22 years ago. One of my brothers and three sisters were married here and every other significant life event which required God’s blessing and guidance occurred at St. Brides.

After university I stopped attending church regularly but was drawn back to St. Brides when I had my son. We needed a church and St. Brides welcomed us back with open arms. Although we live a distance from the church, the community, fellowship and worship services call me back week after week; as does being involved in the different ministries. I thank God that He has led me to the many different opportunities to share and worship with others here at St Brides.

I am also thankful for the skills and talents with which I have been blessed. The talents that I use in my fulltime job as an advocate I will use to work as a warden. I enjoy the ministries that I have taken on over the years and I look forward to this new ministry. Being a warden was never a ministry I thought of becoming involved in, but I enjoy challenges, so I take on this challenge with equal passion.

As the people’s warden I will try to ensure that we continue to enjoy a beautiful, safe and accessible church in which to worship and gather. My prayer is that God would lead me in this new ministry and that I will be a faithful voice for all the congregation.

Favourite Hymn : Jesus Christ is Risen Today
Contemporary: Goodness of God
Favourite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:31

(Last updated: September 2023)
james-paterson   harley-may
James Paterson
Deputy Rector's Warden
  Harley May
Deputy People's Warden




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